Anyone tried flashing uefi f/w to SPI?

I would definitely recommend SPI-NOR. Current easiest method (I am working on a better one) is to grab a generic lx2160a_build u-boot image like for instance (most systems will boot with DDR 2400 speeds), and write that to a uSDHC card. Then mount the first partition on that card and delete the Ubuntu image file on it. Then grab the image that matches your hardware from SolidRun Images , making sure it is a flexspi image and copy that onto the uSDHC and extract it. Then boot that on the HoneyComb and break into the u-boot command line. Then run these commands

sf probe
sf erase 0 0x4000000
load mmc 0:1 0x90000000 lx2160acex7_2000_700_2400_8_5_2_flexspi_nor_ee5c233.img
sf write 0x90000000 0 0x800000

Obviously replacing the load filename with the image version you downloaded. After that is finished change the boot select jumper on the CEX7 module to spi-nor and everything should boot.