Doesn't boot from uSD Card


I builded a Image with following instruction

It’s give me two images:
lx2160acex7_2000_700_3200_LX2162A_CLEARFOG_18_9_0-3fbd680.img lx2160acex7_xspi_2000_700_3200_LX2162A_CLEARFOG_18_9_0-3fbd680.img

I choose the upper for dd to uSD Card with:

sudo dd if=lx2160acex7_2000_700_3200_LX2162A_CLEARFOG_18_9_0-3fbd680.img   of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fdatasync status=progress

I do following postion on the buttons


Plug in the power

Nothing happen only blinks a red led


Is there a limition of size for uSD card?

You seem to have built images for our LX2162a based SOM platforms. What command are you using to build the images? You can test images from here, SolidRun Images Make sure to download the ones that don’t have LX2162A_CLEARFOG in the name.

Thanks for reply.

I build from this description.

The command is following which I used

docker run --rm -i -t -v "$PWD":/work lx2160a_build -u $(id -u) -g $(id -g)

I will try a pre-builded image without CLEARFOG and will give you answer how it’s working or not

No isn’t working. It goes mad. The device is blinking with red and green leds like some police lights.

I use a 128 GB Samsung PRO uSD card.


Have I to flash the SPI too? I have flashed the SPI with following


and i didn’t change it for the this image. lx2160acex7_2000_700_3200_8_5_2-2a7ab21.img.xz

Could someone give me information why this behavior caused?

if the ethernet lights are flashing then the security core can’t read the RCW from the uSDHC card. I would recommend trying another card. It is possible that you have a bad write on your card, so sometimes writing all zero’s to the first 16MB’s of the card can help, before flashing a new firmware.