Unable to connect the imx8mp solidrun board with another board over bluetooth


Am using two imx8mp solidrun boards to connect over bluetooth using bluetoothctl command tool.

But am getting the below message.
failed to connect : org.bluez.error.notavailable br-connection-profile-unavailable

Please let me know the procedure of connection between boards.

Note : if I use mobile device to connect over bluetooth it is connected by sharing the passkey.


What type of bluetooth connection are you trying to setup?

Hi jnettlet,

Am trying to make one board act as peripheral and other act as central to connect with each other.
Please find the below screenshots for your reference.


Hi jnettlet,

May I know the update on this query.


I will try and replicate your issue locally and keep you updated in the thread with my findings. Thanks for the info

Hi jnettlet,

Thanks for the update.


Hi jnettlet,

I’ve been waiting for your reply.


Hi Jnettlet,

May i know the update on this.

I believe that you are running into a conflict between bluetoothd and connmand. Please disable connman and attempt to pair the devices.