I am currently working with one of your imx8m plus hummingboards. I have tried to bridge the ethernet ports ‘end0’ and ‘enp1s0’. I am able to add ‘enp1s0’ to the bridge. However, when I add ‘end0’ to the bridge and when I restart the board, I get stuck in ‘promiscuous mode’.
After some searching I have found a workaround on the nxp: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/Workaround-for-issue-Bridge-mode-on-EQoS-module-will-not-work/ta-p/1559302
Using the solidrun github: GitHub - SolidRun/imx8mp_build: IMX8M Plus buildroot build script I have successfully built the base image, however I have been unable to include this patch to the Linux-kernel.
Any assistance is welcomed.