Hello All,
I have a HummingBoard2 iMX6SDL, and it is a SolidSense product with the nordic BLE add-on module.
When I try to boot the board from the SD card it does not boot.
When I install the basic debian image in the SD card, it boots correctly:
But, when I try to flash the SolidSense images (SolidSense, SolidSense-Azure) it does not want to boot.
I followed this SolidSense Azure wiki: https://solidrun.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/developer/pages/265256961/Running+Microsoft+Azure+IoT+Edge+agent+on+SolidSense+systems
Also, I tried to build an image using Yocto with the n6g board which is defined in [meta-solidrun-solidsense], then I tried using USB OTG with UUU:
UUU detects the board but it fails to load the image with the error: “Invalid IVT header”.
I want to install the SolidSense Azure image into my HummingBoard2 board, also I want a way to run the Yocto image.