I’m trying to setup a vm server for arm64 development on an Honeycomb system with 1T NVMe SSD and 32G RAM.
I used the supplied Ubuntu 20.04 image for the base system.
I issued an apt update &&apt upgrade and rebooted.
I added via apt install:
- qemu-system-arm, -common, -data
- qemu-efi-aarch64, -arm
- qemu-utils
Installation image: Ubuntu 18.04.04 for ARM64 from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/bionic/daily-live/current/bionic-live-server-arm64.iso (renamed to install.iso)
I found this tutorial: How to launch ARM aarch64 VM with QEMU from scratch. - ARM-Datacenter
Creation of the images for pflash and the virtual disk drive:
rm *.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=flash0.img bs=1M count=64
dd if=/usr/share/qemu-efi/QEMU_EFI.fd of=flash0.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=flash1.img bs=1M count=64
qemu-img create -f qcow2 image.img 20G
qemu-system-aarch64 -enable-kvm -nographic -machine virt,gic-version=max -m 512M -cpu host -smp 4
-netdev user,id=vnet,hostfwd=: -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=vnet
-drive file=image.img,format=qcow2,if=none,id=drive0,cach e=writeback -device virtio-blk,drive=drive0,bootindex=0
-drive file=install.iso,format=raw,if=none,id=drive1,cach e=writeback -device virtio-blk,drive=drive1,bootindex=1
-drive file=flash0.img,format=raw,if=pflash -drive file=flash1.img,format=raw,if=pflash
This seems to work fine as I can see. However, after the reboot does’t start into the newly installed system but into the installer.
Then I pkill qemu and try to run the installed system:
qemu-system-aarch64 -enable-kvm -nographic -machine virt,gic-version=max -m 512M -cpu host -smp 4
-netdev user,id=vnet,hostfwd=: -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=vnet
-drive file=image.img,format=qcow2,if=none,id=drive0,cach e=writeback -device virtio-blk,drive=drive0,bootindex=0
-drive file=flash0.img,format=raw,if=pflash -drive file=flash1.img,format=raw,if=pflash
I always end up in the UEFI shell but cannot start the installed system.
Whats wrong here?
Are there other idiot-proof tutorials?