SFP28 recognized as SFP+

boot.txt (66.9 KB)

Why the SFP28 is linking to 10Gbps?

I tested all possible ports, dpmac.4 to 6!

I have following Image lx2160acex7_2000_700_3200_LX2162A_CLEARFOG_18_9_0-3fbd680.img

root@localhost:~# uname -a
Linux localhost 5.10.35-00078-g160e2cf1f99 #14 SMP PREEMPT Thu Sep 12 21:15:28 UTC 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux


Could you give a statement please

[    4.709162] sfp sfp-at: module OEM              SFP-10G-T        rev 02   sn CSY103O70012     dc 240704  
[    4.758136] sfp sfp-bt: module FS               SFP28-25G-BX-I   rev 1A   sn C2408279965      dc 240812  
[    4.767738] fsl_dpaa2_mac dpmac.5 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): switched to inband/10gbase-r link mode
[    4.812393] sfp sfp-ab: module OEM              SFP-10G-T        rev 02   sn CSY103O70013     dc 240704  
[    4.851324] sfp sfp-bb: module FS               SFP28-25G-BX-I   rev 1A   sn S2438834067      dc 240814  
[    4.860931] fsl_dpaa2_mac dpmac.6 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): switched to inband/10gbase-r link mode

Why this happened?

If somebody is interested i found two pair of sfp28 which are working:

Here the datasheets

10Gtek AZS32-S28-20 (L) V1.0.pdf (561.4 KB)
10Gtek AZS23-S28-20 (L) V1.0.pdf (548.8 KB)

Here the dmesg as proof

dmesg.txt (66.9 KB)

ethtool output of SFP+ to RJ45 of 10Gtek modul

sfp+toRJ45.txt (4.1 KB)

ethtool output of SFP28 of 10Gtek modul

sfp28.txt (4.4 KB)

It doesn’t work either

Please look at this branch. GitHub - SolidRun/lx2160a_build at develop-ls-5.15.71-2.2.0 This is new development work and should have proper phy switching between 25 and 10 Gbps

Thanks for reply!

Is there a reason why secure boot isn’t supported for LX2162a CLEARFOG 18_9_0?

Also 3200 MHz DDR3 not supported only 2900 MHz and BUS is set to 650 MHz. Have this options major reasons?

The changes in the max memory and bus speed are changes NXP has released for the product lineup. We have not received an official statement regarding the change in the spec, but my assumption is that it has to do with NXP’s long term testing, and requirements for support for 10+ years.

None of our developer builds support secure boot. It is not specific to the 18_9_0 configuration.

Ok thanks for your explenation.

The first boot is doing well and I can bring up a inteface with ls-addni dpmac.X but at the second boot i got this error

root@localhost:~# ls-addni dpmac.16                                               
[   40.969289] fsl_dpaa2_eth dpni.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): rgmii po
[   40.979113] fsl_dpaa2_eth dpni.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): Error connecting to the MAC endpoint: -EINVAL
Created interface:  (object:dpni.0, endpoint: dpmac.16)

Linux localhost 5.15.71-00025-g6986bdb0dbaa #2 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 3 14:21:17 UTC 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

dmesg.log (57.5 KB)

Here is the image

I will test and get back to you. The latest BSP does have the ability to have linux re-create the interfaces setup in the mcbin .dpc. We are still working on testing this and documenting it. This will remove the need to run ls-addni every boot.

1 Like

Is there a ongoing action?

Please test the latest BSP images. We have verified them with a 25Gbps fiber module and they detect and function properly.

I can’t bring up the 8x1 Gbps NIC and also not SFP+ which I brought up with the old branch.

I will test my SFP28 optics later

I tested dhclient with AZS23-S28-20 10Gtek and FS https://www.fs.com/de/products/96805.html

I can’t bring up any of them

I got following error also the AZS23-S28-20 is recognized as AZ13-S28-20 and the FS is only in 10 Gbps mode also a Flexoptic is not regcognized but can be ok because is flashed for Intel NICs

[  366.629781] fsl_dpaa2_eth dpni.2 eth2: validation with support 0000000,00000000,00006440 failed: -22

dmesg.txt (117.4 KB)

I tested the latest image and still the sfp28 optic from gtek recognized as wrong one.

@jnettlet is there a timetable on which date a fully working sfp28 optic will be?

Could you give a update for the timeline of developing the drivers for a gerneric SFP28 module?
