How I can enable dhclient and show up at least one NIC up automatically?
systemctl enable dhclient.service doesn’t work and I have to do on every reboot ls-addni dpmac.16 or similar
How I can enable dhclient and show up at least one NIC up automatically?
systemctl enable dhclient.service doesn’t work and I have to do on every reboot ls-addni dpmac.16 or similar
which hardware platform and distribution are you using?
To enable an interface automatically a MAC needs to be connected to a NIC in the dpl device-tree that is loaded into the mcbin firmware. Then Linux needs a device-tree entry to initialize the device and bind the dpaa2 driver to it.
I use Clearfog LX2162a with a prebuilt Image from SolidRun Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
git clone GitHub - SolidRun/mc-utils: Mirror of codeaurora qoriq mc-utils
cd mc-utils/config/lx2160a/CEX/
vim dpl-eth.8x10g.19.dts
adjusted content as follow
connections {
connection@1 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@0";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@5";
connection@2 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@1";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@3";
connection@3 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@2";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@6";
connection@4 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@3";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@4";
connection@5 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@4";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@16";
connection@6 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@5";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@15";
connection@7 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@6";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@13";
connection@8 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@7";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@14";
connection@9 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@8";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@12";
connection@10 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@9";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@11";
connection@11 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@10";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@17";
connection@12 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@11";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@18";
cd mc-utils
make -C config/
but has no effect its doesn’t showing up automattlicy eth0-11
did you rebuild the image, or dd the .dtb onto the boot medium at the proper offset?
MACs.csv (996 Bytes)
I want just adjust clearfog-s1_3-s2_dpc.dts with the MAC from the CSV file and rebuild the image with docker.
How I know which MAC goes to @mac3 etc?
I can’t see any port number in the csv file
our BSP actually reads a base MAC address from the eeprom in TLV format and then increments them based on the number set in the same eeprom. This is per the ONIE specification. You can use the tlv_eeprom command to inspect and change the configuration.
As per which MAC address overrides which between the .dpc and the eeprom, I would have to look at the code again to see which one is preferred.
Ok thank you have a look to the code.
So if execute on a existing system the tlv_eeprom command to see which MAC is on a existing port and then adjust dpc file with the rights MAC address.
I need also to adjust Temp.sh | clearfog-s1_3-s2_9-dpl.dts the connection function like this?
connections {
connection@1 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@0";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@5";
connection@2 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@1";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@3";
connection@3 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@2";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@6";
connection@4 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@3";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@4";
connection@5 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@4";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@16";
connection@6 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@5";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@15";
connection@7 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@6";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@13";
connection@8 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@7";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@14";
connection@9 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@8";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@12";
connection@10 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@9";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@11";
connection@11 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@10";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@17";
connection@12 {
endpoint1 = "dpni@11";
endpoint2 = "dpmac@18";
I feel little bit stupid but when I DON’T adjust the dpl files and build the images with docker and the option clearfog-s1_3-s2_9 and flash the SPI and eMMC so would the Interfaces presistent?